
Monday, February 18, 2013

Lahpet Thoke

"Of all the fruit, the mango's the best; Of all the meat, pork's the best; Of all the leaves, lahpet's the best." ~Popular saying in Burma/Myanmar

Burma/Myanmar is one of very few countries where tea is eaten as well as drunk.

Lahpet Thoke (also spelled Lahpet Thohk) is burmese for pickled tea. Tea leaf salad is a widely popular dish throughout Burma/Myanmar. It is served with roasted peanuts, cabbage, sesame seeds, garlic, green chillies, lime and dried shrimp. There are different ways of making it, but these are the main ingredients. It is often consumed as a side dish, snack on special occasions or when drinking alcohol.

These packets of Lahpet Thoke ingredients are bought in Burma/Myanmar, but it's possible to buy them in Thailand as well. You mix the pickled tea, roasted peanuts and sesame seeds inside this packet with cabbage, chillies, lime, fresh tomatoes and dried shrimp as seen in the first picture.

Source: Wikipedia
All photos: ©

Monday, February 4, 2013

Kyaiktiyo Pagoda

Kyaiktiyo Pagoda (Golden Rock) is a pagoda built on top of a granite boulder, which seems to defy gravity as it seems it to fall down the hill at any moment. The pagoda is situated in Mon State, and is a well-known Buddhist pilgrimage site. The boulder is entirely covered by gold leaves pasted on by devotees. The legend says that it is a strand of Buddha's hair that keeps the pagoda balancing on the edge of the hill.

Source: Wikipedia
All photos April 2012: ©