
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Kun-ya (betel nut)

When walking around in cities and elsewhere in Myanmar/Burma you will notice red stains everywhere. This comes from the juice people spit out when chewing kun-ya.

The kun-ya consists of betel vine leaf, areca nut, slaked lime, tobacco and some aroma.

Chewing kun-ya has a long tradition in Myanmar/Burma and has been used by both men and women before the beginning of recorded history.

Making kun-ya

Source: Wikipedia
Photo: ©

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Sky Beer

"Sky Beer" is an alcoholic beverage which is consumed straight after it's been taken from the "Htann yai" tree or Toddy Palm which it's also called. It's cheaper than water and is sold throughout Myanmar/Burma. 

Photo: ©